Psy 101 - Introduction to Psychology
Course Textbook
The REQUIRED text for this course is Experience Psychology (3rd Ed.) by Laura King.
King, L. (2016) Experience psychology. (Third Edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
This textbook comes with a required digital component called Connect/LearnSmart. The digital component includes an EBook for your use (as long as you purchase the ConnectPlus or the SmartBook version of the software. Possible options for buying/renting this text: the BCC Bookstore or within Blackboard when you click on an assignment. Make sure if you buy it online you buy it with Learnsmart.. If you buy it from the Bookstore, you will be getting a hardcopy of the textbook and the ConnectPlus version of the digital component. If you buy from McGraw-Hill, you have different purchasing options.
Course Syllabus Click here
Course Outline (word format) Click here
Blackboard Go to BCC Distance Learning for information to log in to our blackboard site.
Journal List -
Choose ONE article for this assignment.
Find these article on EbscoHost from the BCC Library.
Spring 2016
Geisner, I. M., Kirk, J. L., Mittmann, A. J., Kilmer, J. R., & Larimer, M. E. (2015). College students’ perceptions of depressed mood: Exploring accuracy and associations. Professional Psychology: Research And Practice, 46(5), 375-383.
Liu, J., Hu, J., & Furutan, O. (2013). The influence of student perceived professors’ “hotness” on expertise, motivation, learning outcomes, and course satisfaction. Journal of Education For Business, 88(2), 94-100.
Whitney, N., & Froiland, J. M. (2015). Parenting style, gender, beer drinking and drinking problems of college students. International Journal ff Psychology: A Biopsychosocial Approach, (16), 93-109.
Interesting Links
Chapter 1 - Research
Writing a Journal Summary - Here is some information about how to do your Journal Article Summary and Analysis assignment.
Research Methods Activity - Test your knowledge about research.
Chapter 2 - The Brain
Growing New Brain Cells - talk buy Sandrine Thuret
The Brain - Annenberg Videos
Brain Game Videos - This videos are from the National Geographic channel.
Your Brain Map - An interesting interactive site for learning about the brain and neurons.
Phineas Gage - Watch a video on Gage's injury and the effects of the brain.
Neuroscience for Kids - This is a great site for exploring parts of the brain. Go to the explore link and see what you can discover.
GenoChoice - Create your own Genetically Healthy Child...Online!!
Synaptic Transmission - A NIH video and interaction.
How Neurons Talk - from the Genetic Learning Center.
Create a Neuron - See if you can put the pieces of a neuron together.
Brain Plasticity - See how a girl who had half of her brain removes recovers.
Mouse Party - A simplified animation of the brain when interacting with drugs.
Chapter 3 - Sensation and Perception
Optical Illusions by Color Cube - This site has a lot of interesting illusions. My favorites are blink effect, chromatic adaptation and opponent after-image.
Optical Illusion by NIEHS - Really interesting illusions. Check out the ones that look like they are moving (under the Man in the Coffee took me less than 3 minutes to find him.
Optical Illusions by Sandlot Science - This site provides links to lots of illusions.
Chapter 5 Learning through Conditioning
Conditioning Notes
Classical Conditioning and the Office
Operant Conditioning and the Big Bang Theory
Video about Behaviorism
Shaping - Teaching a rat to press a lever
Watch Albert Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment
Chapter 8 Development
Harlow's Monkeys video
Another Harlow's Monkeys video
Strange Situation video
Chapter 10 Personality
Personality Test - This test is based on Jung's typology and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Take this test when you are in a normal, good mood and you have at least 30 minutes to spend on it. Print out results when you are done.
Type Descriptions - TypeLogic by J. Butt, Peronality Page, and 16 Types description. Go to these sites and find your type. Read the description and see if it matches your personality.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - YouTube Video
Chapter 11 - Social Psychology
Without reading the descriptions, write what you see happening in each of these demonstrations. These demonstrations and your descriptions reflect Attribution theory.
Halo Effect - The Influence of Height
Cognitive Dissonance - Classic Study
Kitty Genovese - The Bystander Effect
The Bystander Effect - As described by Phillip Zimbardo
Bystander Response - What would you do? Zimbardo - The Psychology of Evil
Abu Ghraib - "Bad Barrell" Effect
Prison Experiment by Zimbardo. Short Clip.
Prison Experiment and Abu Graib by HeroicImaginationTV
Prison Experiment by Zimbardo. Long version.
Conformity - Elevator video
Conformity - Current version of Asch's study
Follow the Leader video from Dateline
Obedience - Fast Food Restaurant
Jonestown video by History Channel
Original footage of Milgram's experiment.
Here is a new version of (short version) Milgram's experiment
Longer video of Milgram's study.
Chapter 12 - Psychological Disorders
A video overviewing Psychology Disorders
Crash Course: Video on Depression and Bipolar Disorders
Crash course: Video on OCD and Anxiety Disorders
Crash course: Video on Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorders
Bipolar Disorder - A brief description
Anxiety Disorder - Video
OCD - Howie Mandel discusses his condition
Phobia List - List of hundreds of phobias
Chapter 13 - Therapy
Crash Course: Video on Therapy
Crash Course: Video on Biomedical Treatments
APA Formatting
APA Manual - APA Style
Purdue Owl - APA Format
A Guide for Psychology Undergraduate from University of Washington
Writing a Journal Summary - Here is some information about how to do your Journal Article Summary and Analysis assignment.
Research Methods Activity - Test your knowledge about research.
Chapter 2 - The Brain
Growing New Brain Cells - talk buy Sandrine Thuret
The Brain - Annenberg Videos
Brain Game Videos - This videos are from the National Geographic channel.
Your Brain Map - An interesting interactive site for learning about the brain and neurons.
Phineas Gage - Watch a video on Gage's injury and the effects of the brain.
Neuroscience for Kids - This is a great site for exploring parts of the brain. Go to the explore link and see what you can discover.
GenoChoice - Create your own Genetically Healthy Child...Online!!
Synaptic Transmission - A NIH video and interaction.
How Neurons Talk - from the Genetic Learning Center.
Create a Neuron - See if you can put the pieces of a neuron together.
Brain Plasticity - See how a girl who had half of her brain removes recovers.
Mouse Party - A simplified animation of the brain when interacting with drugs.
Chapter 3 - Sensation and Perception
Optical Illusions by Color Cube - This site has a lot of interesting illusions. My favorites are blink effect, chromatic adaptation and opponent after-image.
Optical Illusion by NIEHS - Really interesting illusions. Check out the ones that look like they are moving (under the Man in the Coffee took me less than 3 minutes to find him.
Optical Illusions by Sandlot Science - This site provides links to lots of illusions.
Chapter 5 Learning through Conditioning
Conditioning Notes
Classical Conditioning and the Office
Operant Conditioning and the Big Bang Theory
Video about Behaviorism
Shaping - Teaching a rat to press a lever
Watch Albert Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment
Chapter 8 Development
Harlow's Monkeys video
Another Harlow's Monkeys video
Strange Situation video
Chapter 10 Personality
Personality Test - This test is based on Jung's typology and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Take this test when you are in a normal, good mood and you have at least 30 minutes to spend on it. Print out results when you are done.
Type Descriptions - TypeLogic by J. Butt, Peronality Page, and 16 Types description. Go to these sites and find your type. Read the description and see if it matches your personality.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - YouTube Video
Chapter 11 - Social Psychology
Without reading the descriptions, write what you see happening in each of these demonstrations. These demonstrations and your descriptions reflect Attribution theory.
Halo Effect - The Influence of Height
Cognitive Dissonance - Classic Study
Kitty Genovese - The Bystander Effect
The Bystander Effect - As described by Phillip Zimbardo
Bystander Response - What would you do? Zimbardo - The Psychology of Evil
Abu Ghraib - "Bad Barrell" Effect
Prison Experiment by Zimbardo. Short Clip.
Prison Experiment and Abu Graib by HeroicImaginationTV
Prison Experiment by Zimbardo. Long version.
Conformity - Elevator video
Conformity - Current version of Asch's study
Follow the Leader video from Dateline
Obedience - Fast Food Restaurant
Jonestown video by History Channel
Original footage of Milgram's experiment.
Here is a new version of (short version) Milgram's experiment
Longer video of Milgram's study.
Chapter 12 - Psychological Disorders
A video overviewing Psychology Disorders
Crash Course: Video on Depression and Bipolar Disorders
Crash course: Video on OCD and Anxiety Disorders
Crash course: Video on Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorders
Bipolar Disorder - A brief description
Anxiety Disorder - Video
OCD - Howie Mandel discusses his condition
Phobia List - List of hundreds of phobias
Chapter 13 - Therapy
Crash Course: Video on Therapy
Crash Course: Video on Biomedical Treatments
APA Formatting
APA Manual - APA Style
Purdue Owl - APA Format
A Guide for Psychology Undergraduate from University of Washington